10 Do’s and Don’t for Ceramic Coating Care

Ceramic Coating CareMaintaining a ceramic-coated car is a crucial aspect of maximizing the benefits of this advanced protection. While ceramic coatings offer long-lasting durability and ease of maintenance, following the right dos and avoiding the don’ts is essential to preserve the coating’s integrity and ensure its optimal performance.


  1. Regular Washing: Wash your ceramic-coated car regularly to remove dirt, dust, and contaminants that can accumulate on the surface. Use a pH-neutral and non-abrasive car wash soap to avoid damaging the coating.  There are several shampoos designed to increase or refresh the lifespan of your ceramic coating and they should be part of your ceramic coating care routine.  Examples include Ceramic Car Shampoo from Ethos.
  2. Gentle Techniques: Adopt gentle washing techniques, such as using a soft microfiber wash mitt and two-bucket method to prevent swirl marks and scratches during the washing process.  Alternatively, use a foam cannon with a pressure washer and use something like Adams Mega Foam to cover your car in soap.  Then you can use microfiber towels to wash your car with a single bucket using a new towel every time it gets dirty.  This way, you will always have a fresh towel and keep the surface safe.
  3. Drying with Care: Use a clean and soft microfiber towel for drying to avoid leaving water spots on the surface. Pat dry instead of rubbing to maintain the coating’s pristine appearance.  For next-level drying, use a Leaf Blower or Air Canon to dry your car without ever touching it. With a ceramic coating, water will quickly fall off your car, making this method very quick and easy.  For extra protection, use a drying aide like Bead Maker to keep your car surface safe.
  4. Top-Up with Ceramic Detailer: Periodically, use a ceramic detailer to enhance the hydrophobic properties and refresh the ceramic coating’s performance.  HydrO2 Lite is a great product you can easily add to your routine every few months.  Applying this while the car is wet makes for a quick way to keep your protection top-notch. These products should be part of your ceramic coating care routine every 2-3 months, depending on your environment.
  5. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your car’s coating to identify any signs of damage or wear. Addressing issues early can help prevent further damage and ensure continued protection.  Depending on the product you applied, you might need a new coating every one or two years.  If it is a professional coating, it will likely last longer.  Check with your installer if you are not sure how long your coating should last.  Some coatings from detailers include a warranty. If you notice your coat failing, they will fix it if it is under warranty.


  1. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on your coated car. These can degrade the coating’s hydrophobic properties and compromise its effectiveness.
  2. Avoid Automatic Car Washes: Automated car washes with harsh brushes and strong chemicals can scratch and damage the ceramic coating. Opt for hand washing or touchless car washes instead with the proper car shampoo that is safe for ceramic coatings.
  3. Avoid Dry Wiping: Never dry-wipe a dirty car surface, as it can cause swirl marks and scratches. Always use the proper washing and drying techniques to maintain the coating’s pristine finish.
  4. Don’t Delay Cleaning: Promptly remove bird droppings, tree sap, and other contaminants from your car’s surface. Leaving them on the coating for extended periods can lead to etching and damage – even with a ceramic coating.
  5. No Waxing or Polishing: Do not apply traditional wax or polish on a ceramic-coated car. These products can interfere with the coating’s performance and reduce its effectiveness.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can keep your ceramic-coated car looking spectacular and ensure it provides exceptional protection against environmental elements, UV rays, and scratches. Regular maintenance preserves the coating’s integrity and extends its lifespan, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a gleaming and well-protected car for years to come.

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